If you are getting a 404-page error and you can't log in, please check the following points to help you solve the issue.

  • You signed up using a different email. If you have multiple emails, there's a good chance you used a different email when you signed up. Please double-check the email if you are using the correct one. 

  • You requested a refund. We understand that WordHero doesn't meet everyone's needs, so if you have requested a refund and it has been completed you can no longer access the app.

  • You entered the wrong password. Please try resetting your password by clicking the forgot password. Check your email with the reset password request.

  • Your signup failed. This rarely happens but if the above reasons are not your case, please send us your purchase code or invoice so we can investigate.

If you have further questions, contact support@wordhero.com, and we will be happy to help you.